Curriculum Vitae

Name: Ayman Ghazi
Birthday: November 2, 1968
Birthplace: Blida/Lebanon
Nationality: German
since 2/17Projectmanager at Advantest,
Office Boeblingen/Germany
3/05 - 1/17Development Engineer at ZMD,
Office Stuttgart/Germany
5/02 - 2/05Development Engineer at the Philips Semiconductors Innovation Center,
9/00 - 8/01Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Semiconductor
Electronics of the University of Kiel/Germany
Project Manager: OEICs in BiCMOS Technology
8/96 - 8/00Ph.D. Student at the Institute for Semiconductor Electronics of the
University of Kiel/Germany
Research Area: Design, layout and characterization of
optoelectronic integrated circuits in CMOS technology
10/93 - 3/96Tutor at the Institute of Semiconductor Physics at the Technical
University of Berlin/Germany
2/94 - 4/94Internship at the Vobis Microcomputer Corporation in Berlin/Germany

7/00Dissertation Thesis: "Design and Realization of Integrated
Photodetectors and CMOS Circuits for Optical Storage Systems"
(in German)
2/96Diploma Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of
Berlin/Germany with the following main studies:
Microelectronics, Cybernetics, Hardware, and Software
11/95Diploma Thesis: "Development of a System for Measuring the
Dynamical Behavior of an IGBT" (in German)
2/95Project Alfa Core: "Adaptive Neurocomputer" (in German)
5/91Intermediate diploma
8/81 - 6/88Heinrich-von-Kleist Secondary School, Berlin/Germany
8/76 - 7/81Kurt-Tucholsky Elementary School, Berlin/Germany

German, Arabic:Native Languages
French:Basic Knowledge

Operating Systems:UNIX, MS-WINDOWS
Programming:PASCAL, C, HTML

Other Skills:
Hobbies:Music, Soccer
Driving-License: Class 3


  1. H. Zimmermann, T. Heide, A. Ghazi, K. Kieschnick:
      "PIN-CMOS-Receivers for Optical Interconnects", Ext. Abstr. 2nd IEEE
      Workshop on Signal Propagation on Interconnects, Travemünde,
      Germany, May 13-15, 1998, pp. 88-89.

  2. A. Ghazi, T. Heide, H. Zimmermann:
      "A PIN CMOS OEIC for DVD Systems", Proc. 43rd Int. Scientific
      Colloquium, TU Ilmenau, Germany, vol. 2, September 1998, pp. 380-385.

  3. T. Heide, A. Ghazi, H. Zimmermann:
      "High Speed Optical PIN-CMOS-Receivers", Proc. 6th Int. Symposium
      on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic
      Applications (EDMO '98), 23-24 Nov. 1998, Manchester, pp. 72-76.

  4. H. Zimmermann, T. Heide, und A. Ghazi:
      "Schnelle photonische CMOS-Empfänger mit hohem Wirkungsgrad",
      3. WorkshopOptik in der Rechentechnik, Siemens AG, C-Lab, Paderborn,
      Germany, 8.-9. Dezember 1998, pp. 185-192.

  5. H. Zimmermann, T. Heide, and A. Ghazi:
      "Monolithic High-Speed CMOS-Photoreceiver", IEEE Photonics
      Technology Letters, vol. 11, no. 2, February 1999, pp. 254-256.

  6. H. Zimmermann, A. Ghazi, T. Heide, R. Popp, R. Buchner:
      "Advanced Photo Integrated Circuits in CMOS Technology", 49th
      Electronic Components and Technology Conference, San Diego,
      June 1-4, 1999, USA, June 1-4, 1999, pp. 1030-1035.

  7. A. Ghazi, T. Heide, H. Zimmermann:
      "CMOS Current Mirror DVD OEICs and High-Speed Receiver OEICs",
      PHOTONICS PRAGUE '99, Czech Republic, 21-23 June 1999,
      pp. 171-176.

  8. H. Zimmermann, K. Kieschnick, T. Heide, A. Ghazi and P. Seegebrecht:
      "Integrated High-speed, High-responsivity Photodiodes in CMOS and
      BiCMOS Technology", Proc. ESSDERC '99, Leuven, Belgium,
      September 13-15, 1999, pp 332-335.

  9. K. Kieschnick, T. Heide, A. Ghazi, H. Zimmermann and P. Seegebrecht:
      "Advanced CMOS and BiCMOS photonic receiver ICs", Proc.
      ESSCIRC '99, Duisburg, Germany, September 21-23, 1999, pp. 398-401.

  10. T. Heide, A. Ghazi, H. Zimmermann and P. Seegebrecht:
      "Monolithic CMOS Photoreceivers for Short-Range Optical Data
      Communication", Electronic Letters, vol. 25, no. 19, September 1999,
      pp. 1655-1656.

  11. A. Ghazi, T. Heide, K. Kieschnick, H. Zimmermann, P. Seegebrecht:
      "Integrated Silicon Optoelectronic Circuits (OEICs) in CMOS and BiCMOS
      Technology for DVD Systems", Proc. 11th Int. Meeting on Electro-Optics
      and Microelectronics in Israel, Tel Aviv, Israel, November 9-11, 1999,
      pp. 228-231.

  12. A. Ghazi, T. Heide, H. Zimmermann, P. Seegebrecht:
      "CMOS PIN Fiber Receiver and DVD OEIC", Proc. 7th Int. Symposium on
      High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic
      Applications (EDMO '99), London, UK, November 22-23, 1999,
      pp. 108-112.

  13. H. Zimmermann, T. Heide, A. Ghazi, P. Seegebrecht:
      "PIN-CMOS-Receivers for Optical Interconnects", in Interconnects in
      VLSI Design, Ed.: H. Grabinski, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,
      2000, pp. 203-212.

  14. A. Ghazi, T. Heide, H. Zimmermann, P. Seegebrecht:
      "DVD OEIC and 1 Gbit/s Fiber Receiver in CMOS Technology", Proc.
      8th Int. Symposium on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave
      and Optoelectronic Applications (EDMO 2000), Glasgow, UK,
      November 13-14, 2000, pp. 224-229.

  15. M. Hohenbild, A. Ghazi, P. Seegebrecht, H. Zimmermann:
      "A high-speed photodiode with improved responsivity for blue and
      red spectra", Proceedings of the 31th European Solid-State Device
      Research Conference (ESSDERC '01), Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 287-290.

  16. M. Hohenbild, A. Ghazi, P. Seegebrecht, H. Zimmermann:
      "Advanced photodiodes and circuits for OPTO-ASICs", 9th Int. Symposium
      on High Performance Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic
      Applications (EDMO 2001), Vienna, Austria, pp. 255-260.

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© 1997-2022 by Ayman Ghazi
Last changes: December 20, 2022