Lebanese People

Dalida Chammai

Dalida Chammai

Miss Lebanon 1997

Age: 23

Birthday: October 2, 1973

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Green

Height: 5'6"

Languages Spoken: Arabic, French, English, Italian

Occupation: Student

Career Ambition: My ambition is to become a translator.

Education: Received Italian language certificate from the Holy Spirit University; currently attending the American Language Center in Beirut

Favorite Book or Author: Shakespeare

Favorite Movie: "Gone with the Wind"

Favorite Actor or Actress: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Jodie Foster

Hobbies: Sports, music, acting

Chat Room: I would like to interview President Clinton. I would ask him about the peace process in the Middle East.

Source: Miss Universe Organization

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Last changes: August 4, 1997